Ancient Wisdom for a Modern Wired World

Ancient Wisdom for a Modern Wired World

Your Home Is Your Temple

In Vastu, our home is considered as the temple of your body and your body as the temple of your soul.

We want our homes and workspaces to reinforce positive thoughts.

When decorating your environment, be conscious of your choice of objects and pictures because they can profoundly affect the vibration and atmosphere of a room.

Scenes and paintings depicting spirituality, nature’s splendor, and images of human happiness are ideal. We can absorb the harmony and inspiration that radiates out from positive images, raising the vibration in your home or workspace.

According to the science of Vastu, images portraying devastation, war and sadness are best avoided. When we look at those images, their negativity can interfere with our wellbeing. It is best to consider the emotions that an image stirs within you before you decide to incorporate it into your environment.

Both Vastu and modern physics agree that all physical objects have an electro-magnetic field surrounding them and these fields will influence people and other objects in their vicinity. Displaying objects that stand for violence, such as swords, guns, knives etc. release negative energy into the room and are best avoided.

We can create sacred space for ourselves in our homes and workspaces following the principles of Vastu.

The Power of Color in Vastu

The Power of Color in Vastu

Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Wired World

The Power of Color in Vastu

Color is always impacting our lives. We know how color influences us, from the choice of colors we wear, the colors we decorate our homes, to the radiant colors of nature. Our color choices can improve our state of mind or physical well being because different colors stimulate different types of energy in the body and mind.

Radiation from the sun is composed of seven colors and electromagnetic rays. The colors contain electrical rays, radio waves, infrared waves, ultraviolet waves, and gamma rays. Each has a specific influence on our health and well being.

White includes all colors and has a purifying and healing quality that is beneficial in any room. When used in the northeast and east, it will expand the positive energies coming from these directions.

Violet is a calming and soothing color and is the highest vibration in the color spectrum. A light shade of violet in your meditation area will support your spiritual practice.

Indigo represents the depth of consciousness and can be used as an accent in the meditation area.

Blue stimulates the experience of inner truth and spiritual creativity, it has a calming effect on the nervous system. Blue is a good color for the bedroom as it decreases the blood and respiratory rate. Use blue in the west or northwest areas of a room for inspiration and peace of mind. Blue can be used as an accent color thru pillows, bedspread or drapes.

Green is the predominant color in nature, inspiring balance, harmony, abundance of life, and healing. Green can be used in the study to stimulate learning. Adding green plants to your office or study supports growth and prosperity. The color green in best in the north area of a home or workspace.

Yellow stimulates restful intellect, communication and concentration. A light shade of yellow in the master bedroom enhances and improves relationships. Due to its many positive qualities, yellow can be used through out the home or office and is most beneficial in the north east, east, southeast, south or southwest.

Orange brings happiness and is a social color that stimulates optimism, it works well in any room used for social gatherings. As a warm color, orange works well in the southern area of a home or office. You can use orange as an accent color by placing a bowl of oranges on the dining room table.

Red stimulates physiology and creates qualities of strength, courage and steadfastness. Use it as an accent to stimulate the appetite, with a bowl of red apples on the table or kitchen counter. Too much red can create aggressiveness and is not recommended for children’s rooms.

The rainbow symbolizes all possibilities. Hanging a crystal in a window where light shines thru, brings beauty and wonder into your environment, offering the radiant blessing of the color spectrum into your environment,

For more information, please visit

Ancient Wisdom for a Modern Wired World

Ancient Wisdom for a Modern Wired World

Vastu and the Effect of Smart Meters:

When balancing an environment using Vastu, there are many factors to be considered, such as the influence of the planets, and how they are represented in the structure, the electro-magnetic energies and how geopathic stress is affecting the environment and the inhabitants.

In my Vastu practice I always recommend that people remove smart meters, as they are causing tremendous geopathic stress and affecting the health of the residents. I have seen places with twelve smart meters lined up behind the wall of a bedroom in an apartment building. I did my Vastu corrections for the home and strongly recommended that they should do whatever they could to have the smart meters removed, and to not spend time in that area of the house if they can help it until the meters are removed.

Detrimental environmental imbalances affect our physiology and can result in chronic illnesses. There are many sources of information regarding the effect of smart meters on our health. One resource is where you learn how Smart Meters affect your health, how to have them removed from your home and to protest the Smart Meter program.

You can opt out of the Smart Meter program by calling PG&E at 1-866-743-0263 and request they put a safe analog meter back on your home.

From an excellent article written by Jeremy Johnson about smart meters in Common Ground, April 2014:
“As many people in California have done, do not consent to pay the opt-out fees. The legality of the fees has not even been determined by the California Public Utilities Commission. Paying to keep your health and rights can be called extortion. Send PG&E a registered letter telling them you do not consent to this change of terms in your contract with them, and will not pay any fees for keeping your analog meter. There are letter templates at

We can encourage our neighbors to opt out. This will create a community that is free of smart meter radiation and electrical pollution. Throughout California entire communities are smart meter-free, and 57 local governments have adopted ordinances against smart meters. Many buildings in the Bay Area have had all of their tenants opt out together. Organize this for your buildings or community.

Attend or host a screening of “Take Back Your Power.” Watch the film online or on DVD, visit Subscribe to their newsletter to join the global movement to ban and recall smart meters. That is the ultimate solution for this ill-conceived program.”

I hope this information will prove to be useful. I am including this information due to the proliferation of smart meters I come across in my Vastu practice. This article will hopefully help people to make this important change in their environment to protect the health and well-being of their loved ones. Please share with anyone who may have smart meters in the environment at home or at work.

Vastu is India’s ancient art and science of design, architecture and sacred space. Of primary importance is living in harmony with nature and having a balanced, conscious environment through the implementation of the guiding principles of Vastu.

Another option is to learn about Marin Clean Energy and how they are having an impact on greenhouse emissions and climate change. They are addressing climate change by reducing greenhouse emissions thru renewable energy supply. Their electricity is supplied from clean renewable sources such as solar, wind, bio-energy, geothermal and hydro. Marin Clean Energy’s goal is a better future for all things living on this planet. This is also, from a Vastu perspective, helping balance the five elements in our climate, earth, air, water, fire and cosmic radiaions. This is Vastu in action on a very large scale.