White Orbs and Divine Protection

White Orbs and Divine Protection

This photo was taken many months after a Vastu Consultation. You can see the large orb floating on the upper left corner and the smaller one on the right side. The large orb is directly underneath the Yantra for the Divine Center, the space element, in this home. Orbs appear when there is a high spiritual vibration. A friend was taking photos and these orbs appeared in the photo. It is a demonstration of the stable and enduring energy of Vastu and the power of the Yantras and Mantras. A white orb is said to symbolize Divine protection. What is most interesting is that this orb is not in a random location, but a specific location, directly beneath the Divine Center Yantra.

A Reverence for Nature

A Reverence for Nature

Vastu recognizes that our dwellings should reflect the rhythm of the universe and our connection to all of nature.

The beauty of nature in the home creates a peaceful and nurturing environment, calming to the senses and the spirit. A deep reverence and respect for nature is fundamental to Vastu, the first green science.

Ancient Vedic scholars realized that living, breathing plants are very beneficial and improve the air quality inside the home, promoting clear thinking. Healthy green plants have the power to improve concentration, increase productivity, reduce blood pressure and lower stress.

A Vastu environment includes many natural materials for the interior décor, including wood, stone, glass (made from sand) and natural fibers. In this way, we are honoring our connection to nature, making it an integral part of our environment.

Vastu’s ancient scholars believed that external peace impacts internal peace. Thousands of years ago, the ancient Vedic scholars understood that the surrounding environment influences health. Through the principles of Vastu, these sages created a design science to help restore balance and well being by creating a healthy and soothing home environment, allowing an unobstructed flow of invigorating energy.

Ancient Wisdom for a Modern Wired World

Ancient Wisdom for a Modern Wired World

Your Home Is Your Temple

In Vastu, our home is considered as the temple of your body and your body as the temple of your soul.

We want our homes and workspaces to reinforce positive thoughts.

When decorating your environment, be conscious of your choice of objects and pictures because they can profoundly affect the vibration and atmosphere of a room.

Scenes and paintings depicting spirituality, nature’s splendor, and images of human happiness are ideal. We can absorb the harmony and inspiration that radiates out from positive images, raising the vibration in your home or workspace.

According to the science of Vastu, images portraying devastation, war and sadness are best avoided. When we look at those images, their negativity can interfere with our wellbeing. It is best to consider the emotions that an image stirs within you before you decide to incorporate it into your environment.

Both Vastu and modern physics agree that all physical objects have an electro-magnetic field surrounding them and these fields will influence people and other objects in their vicinity. Displaying objects that stand for violence, such as swords, guns, knives etc. release negative energy into the room and are best avoided.

We can create sacred space for ourselves in our homes and workspaces following the principles of Vastu.